Digital Original Standard

Digital Standard for Converting, Preserving, and Distributing of Physical Artworks with Web 3.0

The Digital Original Standard preserves the originality, authenticity, and value of physical artworks when translated into digital form.

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Unlimited access to digitalisation & tokenization technology caused a ruckus in the art community. Meanwhile, their actual potential to solve art world needs and reshape art acquisition was almost lost.
  • Wash Trading

  • Lack of Provenance

  • Volatility

  • Overhyped Artwoks

  • Counterfeiting

  • Vague Artistic Value

  • Scam

  • Copyright Issues

  • Verification

  • Usage Regulation

  • Preserving Originality

  • Scarcity & Quality Assuarance

  • Digital Light Capture Technology

  • Provenance

  • Tokenization

  • Decentralised storage

DOS Board

Gathering art experts & major stakeholders, we tailor a universal standard for digitised art — the Digital Original Standard.

Designed to establish a new, global digital art ecosystem, it provides guidelines and principles for digitising and tokenising physical art, as well as address issues, like volatility, low-quality art, and online fraud Join the DOS Board

DOS explained

Process behind idea, Verefication, Digitalization, Tokenization
Physical Original Artwork

Mitya Fenechkin

Meeting 1, 2021
Watercolor pencils, paper, 100x100

Process behind idea, Verefication, Digitalization, Tokenization
Digital Original
  • Resolution:
    400 MPX (17,809 x 12,810 px)
  • Color depth:

    16 bit 281 Trillion Colors

  • Original file size:

    1.3 GB DNG File
  • Assets that in this age lack well-deserved exposure and connection with the international art community. Now they can unlock a new type of ownership.

  • Your artworks pass digitalization with DOS to:

    • Turn into a form relevant to a new type of collecting and collectors
    • Get access to the global art community
    • Get certified and proven by all relevant parties
    • Gain protection from duplicates on other marketplaces
  • Unique digital art piece with a broad range of features:

    • Diverse sales options
    • Access to the global art community
    • Convenient provenance for all parties
    • Volatility-proof value backed by RWA
    • Access to the DOS-verified marketplaces
    • High fidelity of the digital file

Who Benefits From DOS

Digital Original aims for global adoption: we invite all museums, commercial galleries, art foundations, artists, and tech specialists to join us. Let’s build sustainable and stable digital art ecosystem that is free from volatility.

  • Galleries & Artists

    Galleries will double the value of their artwork stock and make it accessible to new collectors without increasing their operational costs.

  • Collectors

    Collectors will get access to new type of art assets that have high value, are immune to speculations, and can even increase value over time.

  • Marketplaces

    Marketplaces will attract a new type of collectors who are interested in high-value assets and generate more potent revenue streams.

How DOS Works

The DO Standard resolves issues on every stage of the existing art acquisition and creates a completely new digital art market. This is how it happens.

  • Requiring institutions, artists, and artworks to verify their credentials right at the start ensures that no plagiarism or fraud is possible on the DOS-verified marketplaces. This way, DOS also serves as a filter that sorts out real physical artworks and approves them for digitalization.

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  • Digital Light Capture technology is a tool for digitizing physical artworks. Using its distinct set of photographic and light equipment, art holders can achieve high-quality detalisation. As a result, digitized artworks inherit the value of the originals.

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  • Following the principles of traditional art acquisition, DOS requires not only buyers and sellers to take part in the process. To ensure physical artworks transfer their rarity and value into tokens, creators and their representatives also participate in their tokenization.

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  • All assets created in compliance with the Standard released on the Digital Original Marketplace and other marketplaces that adopted DOS standards. There, the artworks are sold, and royalties are automatically distributed among all the stakeholders in accordance with smart contract terms.

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Are You an Artist, Gallery Owner, Curator, or Art Expert?

Join the DOS Board to Shape the Future of the Digitized Art