Standards of Converting Physical Art to Digital

Standard For Transferring Physical Artworks Into Digital Format

step 2


The Digital Original Standard provides universal guidelines designed to ensure digitalization and distribution of artworks in digital, reducing resource consumption and increasing security. This allows galleries to take advantage of the best blockchain features such as immutable storage and establish this standard as a model not just for now, but for centuries to come.

DOS explained

Process behind idea, Verefication, Digitalization, Tokenization
Physical Original Artwork

Mitya Fenechkin

Meeting 1, 2021
Watercolor pencils, paper, 100x100

Process behind idea, Verefication, Digitalization, Tokenization
Digital Original
  • Resolution:
    400 MPX (17,809 x 12,810 px)
  • Color depth:

    16 bit 281 Trillion Colors

  • Original file size:

    1.3 GB DNG File
  • Assets that in this age lack well-deserved exposure and connection with the international art community. Now they can unlock a new type of ownership.

  • Your artworks pass digitalization with DOS to:

    • Turn into a form relevant to a new type of collecting and collectors
    • Get access to the global art community
    • Get certified and proven by all relevant parties
    • Gain protection from duplicates on other marketplaces
  • Unique digital art piece with a broad range of features:

    • Diverse sales options
    • Access to the global art community
    • Convenient provenance for all parties
    • Volatility-proof value backed by RWA
    • Access to the DOS-verified marketplaces
    • High fidelity of the digital file

DOS key principles

  • Standardisation of Digitalisation & Tokenization

    Establishing universal guidelines, DOS enables galleries and their audience to easily identify which digital assets are created following DOS guidelines.

  • Validation of IP Ownership

    DOS creates its own KYC procedures. They ensure only actual creators of physical artworks can showcase and trade their digitised assets on DOS-verified marketplaces.

  • Creation of the Sustainable Ecosystem

    All DOS-verified marketplaces, galleries, and specialists adhere to the same principals. It allows them to maintain consistently high quality & benefit from the community.

  • Assurance of High Visual Quality

    Integral to the DO Standard, Digital Light Capture Technology captures all details that make physical artwork authentic and valuable with the highest possible fidelity.

  • Establishment of Genuine Scarcity

    Following DOS, institutions can create only a single counterpart of their physical artworks. It ensures that every digital asset is actually rare.

  • Access to Transparent Provenance

    Each purchase of digitized physical originals is recorded on a blockchain. Anyone can check these records and verify their original creators at any moment.


  • By embracing DOS, galleries gain access to technologies to transfer artworks into the digital realm with the utmost fidelity. This ensures that digital assets preserve the artistic value of their physical originals and remain highly sought after in the eyes of collectors.

  • Requiring marketplaces to adopt blockchain capabilities and multi-stage due diligence, DOS creates an ecosystem with little to no chance of copyright infringement. Thus, galleries and their digitised art will be secure while showcasing and selling art on any DOS-verified platform.

  • DOS assists galleries in overcoming the limitations of physical art, enabling them to showcase their collections worldwide. Consequently, DOS establishes a new digital art market, making it possible for galleries to reach collectors on a global scale.

  • Typically, artworks generate revenue through auctions or exhibitions. DOS broadens these options by enabling galleries not only to sell physical art but also to create a new type of asset—digital originals. Now, galleries can preserve their collections and establish a continuous revenue stream through royalties from secondary markets.

  • With a universally accepted standard, it’s simple to define whose digitised art is actually valuable. Providing clear guidelines and quality assurance, DOS creates such a universal standard, which allows your audience to distinguish your digitised artworks from counterfeits.

Are You an Artist, Gallery Owner, Curator, or Art Expert?

Join the DOS Board to Shape the Future of the Digitized Art